It grows best in usda zones 7 to 9. Swamp jessamine will tolerate periods of water logged soils but once established is also a very drought tolerant plant. This species has yellow flowers that are identical to the carolina jessamine but the flowers are not fragrant.
Flowers may even appear sporadically during warmer days of winter. This native vine blooms in late winter to early spring and is a lovely vine to train up fences pergolas and trellises. As warmer weather creeps in so do the cheerful flowers of carolina jessamine also called yellow jessamine.
Its does best when planted onto a supporting fence or upright feature in the garden. Carolina jessamine is a woody perennial vine. Carolina jessamine is a favorite native vine for gardeners in zone 6 and south because it puts on a spectacular display of masses of fragrant yellow flowers in the spring.
Although it is sometimes mistakenly referred to as carolina jasmine true jasmines belong to the. All parts of the plant are poisonous. It will twine on trellises and over supports on fences and walls and can even be used as a dense groundcover.
Carolina jessamine flowers most profusely in the full sun but will also flower in the shade. Yellow jessamine plant is a landscape plant yellow jessamine flowers are clusters of bright yellow fragrant tubular blossoms with flared petals. Yellow jessamine bloom on a high climbing woody vine.
Yellow jessamine gelsemium sempervirens is the south carolina state flower. Gelsemium sempervirens can grow to 3 6 m 10 20 ft high when given. Yellow jessamine is the state flower of south carolina.